9 gener 2013 |
Solving Large Location-Allocation problems by Clustering and Simulated Annealing |
Torrent-Fontbona, Ferran
; Muñoz Solà , VÃctor
; López Ibáñez, Beatriz
Solving Large Location-Allocation problems by Clustering and Simulated Annealing |
Torrent-Fontbona, Ferran
; Muñoz Solà , VÃctor
; López Ibáñez, Beatriz
2009 |
Specular effects on the GPU: State of the art |
Szirmay-Kalos, László
; Umenhoffer, Tamás
; Patow, Gustavo
; Szécsi, László
; Sbert, Mateu
Specular effects on the GPU: State of the art |
Szirmay-Kalos, László
; Umenhoffer, Tamás
; Patow, Gustavo
; Szécsi, László
; Sbert, Mateu
Specular effects on the GPU: State of the art |
Szirmay-Kalos, László
; Umenhoffer, Tamás
; Patow, Gustavo
; Szécsi, László
; Sbert, Mateu
1 juny 2018 |
Specular effects on the GPU: State of the art |
5 juny 2018 |
Specular effects on the GPU: State of the art |
Szirmay-Kalos, László
; Umenhoffer, Tamás
; Patow, Gustavo
; Szécsi, László
; Sbert, Mateu
2004 |
Speed of travelling fronts: Two-dimensional and ballistic dispersal probability distributions |
Méndez López, Vicenç
; Campos, Daniel
; Fort, Joaquim
Speed of travelling fronts: Two-dimensional and ballistic dispersal probability distributions |
Méndez López, Vicenç
; Campos, Daniel
; Fort, Joaquim
25 maig 2010 |
Tallers prà ctics |
Universitat de Girona. Escola Università ria d’Infermeria
Tallers prà ctics |
Universitat de Girona. Escola Università ria d’Infermeria
10 desembre 2019 |
Temporal evolution of ancient buildings |
Fita López, Josep Lluis
setembre 2012 |
A Tool for optimum design of Waste Water Treatment Plants under uncertainty |
Altimir i Puigdemont, Josep
A Tool for optimum design of Waste Water Treatment Plants under uncertainty |
Altimir i Puigdemont, Josep
Using a serious game to complement CPR instruction in a nurse faculty |
Boada, Imma
; Rodriguez-Benitez, Antonio
; Garcia-Gonzalez, Juan Manuel
; Olivet Pujol, Josep
; Carreras Frau, Vicens
; Sbert, Mateu
1 novembre 2015 |
Using a serious game to complement CPR instruction in a nurse faculty |
Boada, Imma
; RodrÃguez BenÃtez, Antonio
; GarcÃa González, Juan Manuel
; Olivet Pujol, Josep
; Carreras Frau, Vicens
; Sbert, Mateu
15 gener 2025 |
A validated simulation methodology for determining single lap shear allowable strength in thermoplastic polymer composites |
Ninyerola Gavaldà , Joan
; Cózar, Ivan R.
; Guerrero Garcia, José Manuel
; Abdel Monsef, Said Ahmed Ibrahim
; Sasikumar, Aravind
; Turon Travesa, Albert
2006 |
A variational approach for calculating Franck-Condon factors including mode-mode anharmonic coupling |
Luis Luis, Josep Maria
; Kirtman, Bernard
; Christiansen, Ove
A variational approach for calculating Franck-Condon factors including mode-mode anharmonic coupling |
Luis Luis, Josep Maria
; Kirtman, Bernard
; Christiansen, Ove
setembre 2017 |
Verificació d’un model de simulació per a la gestió del cicle de l’aigua a l’à mbit urbà |
Jiménez Godoy, Noelia
View-Dependent Tessellation and Simulation of Ocean Surfaces |
Puig Centelles, Anna
; Ramos, Francisco
; Ripolles, Oscar
; Chover, Miguel
; Sbert, Mateu
2014 |
View-Dependent Tessellation and Simulation of Ocean Surfaces |
Puig Centelles, Anna
; Ramos, Francisco
; Ripolles, Oscar
; Chover, Miguel
; Sbert, Mateu
31 maig 2023 |
Viscoplastic strain development in stress controlled tensile loading: effect of temperature |
Al-Maqdasi, Zainab
; Nunes, Stephanie G.
; Bianchi, Octavio
; Varna, Janis
; Pupure, Liva
; Joffe, Roberts
juny 2009 |
Visualització en temps real de múltiples llums amb la tècnica de Lightcuts |
González Noguer, Guillem
Visualització en temps real de múltiples llums amb la tècnica de Lightcuts |
González Noguer, Guillem